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"UCC Truths is easily the most fair-minded and polite and boring apostate group in the history of religious dissent."
The Rationale
"If you believe love should be uncritical, you may soon be thinking that I do not love this church. But my experience has been that to be a member of the United Church of Christ is, almost by definition, to be a critic of it. To be uncritical is to be the real oddball in this church. Perhaps to be uncritical is to be un-Christian".
-From The United Church of Christ Tomorrow, THEOLOGY AND IDENTITY: TRADITIONS, MOVEMENTS, AND POLITY IN THE UCC (Pilgrim Press: 1990), edited by Dan Johnson
and Charles Hambrick-Stowe
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Ex-UCC President & GM Thomas Leaving Wife for Anot...Center Congregational on the Brink
WSJ: The Bully Pulpit
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Wright Blasts the Media
United Church of Christ: Obama come back
Hope and Faith
Coincidence? Another ordination of a woman priest ...
Dissent over restructuring is growing
Sacred Conversations are Usually No Earthly Good!
UCC Links
Links that appear on this site are intended to share the breadth of expression within the UCC and should not be considered an endorsement
UCC Coalition for GLBT Concerns
Biblical Witness Fellowship (BWF)
Southern Conference Renewal Network